How Long Should a Jump Rope Be | How to Measure + Buying Guide

How Long Should a Jump Rope Be

Did you purchase a new rope and have no idea how long should a jump rope be to maximize skipping efforts or what size jump rope you should pick? Don’t worry, in this article, we will tell you how long your jump rope should be to get you skipping like a boss.  And If you want to Purchase Best Shoes for Jumping Rope for Men as well as Women Learn more here.

There are many types of fitness equipment that are available in the market. With an increase in the understanding of health and fitness, there are many individuals out there investing some abundant measure of energy every day to improve their way of life by being fit.

With perhaps one of the most inexpensive pieces of exercise equipment — a jump rope — you can shed calories and get a superb cardiovascular exercise all in one.  

How To Jump Rope

Even if you do not go to the gym, if you have this amazing rope, you will be able to stay healthy, fit and energetic. Ensuring how long should a jump rope be makes all the difference when it comes to performance.

You may experience issues in hopping and passing the rope under your feet. And, if it’s too long, you have the possibility of getting whipped up by the lightning fast cable! It doesn’t feel good!  So it’s very crucial to determine how long should a jump rope be. 

Jumping rope works for the full body and burns around 1200 calories per hour. There simply isn’t a better substitute to keep your body in shape, burn fats and improve your hand/feet correlation and improves your mental and physical activity overall. A most loved playtime activity for kids and a popular form of workout for adults, jumping rope is a fun and fab way to stay fit.  

Importance of Jump Rope Length

Importance of Jump Rope length

Your skipping session primarily depends on a perfect jumping rope. Factors such as how long should a jump rope be, durability and grip of the handles, ball bearings for smooth rotation and the rope’s suitability on various surfaces need to be considered.

The good news is that there are plenty of jumping rope available in various materials and lengths with added features such as digital counters.

Have you at any point thought about how you could do jump rope faster? The U.S. jump-rope record for the greatest number of jumps in one minute is 367! That’s more than six jumps a second! How close do you want to get to that number? What are some of the factors that will help you jump faster? Most important is the length of the jump rope!

Factors to Consider for Jump Rope Length

There are many factors that determine the best length for your jump rope, including:

Style of jumping and level

Everything relies upon your style of jumping, your workout objective and how you operate your jump rope. The way you jump significantly affect the rope length needed. Your experience level and purpose behind skipping rope will help you narrow down the size for a more custom fit. As the level of your skill increases, your preference in the length of your jump rope will change. 

So don’t cut your jump rope too short at first.  Take time to get used to your cable jump rope before you cut off the extra length.  If there is abundant cable after you’ve adjusted it, don’t go directly for wire cutters and cut the extra off so it doesn’t get in the way of your workout. It is recommended leaving a couple of additional inches though just in case you need to modify the length of the rope in the future.

Selecting the correct jump rope length


Normally, should purchase a rope that is about 2-3 feet longer than your height. If you have difficulty deciding between two lengths, go for the longer one. You are in an ideal situation purchasing a rope that is excessively long than one that is excessively short. Remember that you can always reduce the length but you cannot add to it.

You will probably need to change the length of your jump rope to match your height. Start by standing on the center of the rope with your foot.

At that point, adjust the length so the handles are at your armpits. Then, try out the rope and choose if you need it to be shorter or longer.

When you have a length you are alright with, we suggest utilizing a wire clipper to cut off the ends of the cable so you don’t have irritating and superfluous lengths of cable hanging off from the ends.

If you go to a sporting goods store, you can always ask one of the associates to help you with your purchase. They may even be able to size your jump rope for you in the store or tell you proper jump rope length according to your height.

Sizing a Jump Rope

Stand in front of a mirror with your jump rope. You do not need to see your whole body, just the upper half. Hold the both handles of jump rope in one hand and use your other hand to untwist your jump rope and completely straighten it out so that it touches the ground. Stand on your jump rope with one foot. Ensure that your foot is on the middle of your jump rope.

Pull on your rope handles and check the alignment of your handles to see if they are even. In the event that they are not, lift up your foot marginally and change the rope until your handles are even. Hold up both hop rope handles as high as they will go. The two handles ought to be vertical and the rope ought to be tight and extended. Check the location of your handles in the mirror.

Look and see where the tops of your handles align with your body. If the rope is above your shoulder line, then it is too long and you will need to adjust it. Make sure you measure the cable only not handles. The cable should stop at your sternum or lower pecs. The rope should not go higher than this point. Any longer than this will have too much rope overhead, and will slap the ground excessively.

Adjusting a Jump Rope with Knots

Sizing a jump rope can also be a daunting task. Some ropes require you to cut the cable, sizing it to your tailored height and use. Choosing the correct jump rope size is actually a 2 part process:

  • Picking a length that coordinates with your height.
  • Adjusting your jump rope with adequate positioning, spacing overhead and underfoot. You have to do work too!

Assuming that your jump rope is excessively long, you will need to adjust the length. There are a couple of different ways to adjust the length of your jump rope. The simplest method to adjust your jump rope’s size is by tying a knot or a couple of knots in the rope. Tie the knot as close to the handle as you can without letting the knot actually touch the handle.

If you need more than one knot to adjust the size, tie one knot (or two) on each side of the rope. If your jump rope seems too long or too short, you can always readjust it by adding or taking out one of the knots that you made. This method is best for beaded and cloth ropes.

Make sure that you have enough space to jump rope and that you can see the topmost part of your jump rope as it swings over your head. If you can jump rope in front of a large mirror, that is ideal. If not, ask a friend to watch you.  As you jump rope, notice the distance between the top of your head and the middle of your rope.

For amateur jumpers, this distance should be around 16-30 inches. For fitness jumpers, it should be about 6-10 inches. For speed jumpers, this distance should be around 2-6 inches. If you are not a fan of cutting your jump rope, or you want to try multiple jump rope lengths, you can use the knot method.

Tie simple knots in your jump rope, near the handles, to shorten your rope. Continue tying knots until you reach your desired length. Unlike cutting your jump rope, this method can be reversed and you can switch up your jump rope length until you find the perfect size.

Adjustable jump ropes also make it easy to share with friends and family who aren’t the same height as you. Adjustable jump ropes will also last longer, because of their flexibility and versatility. As you become more proficient with your jump rope, you may decide to lengthen the cable for freestyle jump rope or shorten it for speed.

How Long Should a Jump Rope Be – Complete Sizing Method

How To Jump Rope

In view of the fact that there difference in the length of the people’s legs, arms, and torso, so a general sizing method may not work perfectly. Or maybe, when I size a jumper, I take a gander at how high the hop rope is over the head while bouncing. For any estimating technique to work, it is vital that the jumper is utilizing proper form. Above all, the hands are simply before the hip bones and not held out wide when hopping. In the event that there is no one to watch you, an appearance in a mirror provides you with the height.


There are not nearly as plenty options for kids as there are for adults when it comes to jump ropes. And, what’s more, that they come in a standard size without the ability to adjust the length. So, whenever you pick up a jump rope for your child make sure to pay close attention to the length. Yes, this can make it tricky to find a rope that’s the perfect length.

However, it saves you the hassle of having to size it once you open it up. It’s also not as important given your child is likely just now learning how to jump rope. It’s in their best interest to find a rope that’s sized as perfectly to their height as possible. For kids under 4 feet tall, it’s best to use a rope that’s 6ft in length.

For children 4 feet – 4 feet 9 inches, a jump rope that’s 7ft should work perfect. Because speed is not the goal, a rope with more length is ok for children and beginners. A longer jump rope slows things down and allows for timing that is not perfect.

Correct sizing: For beginners, the tops of your rope handles should be just below your shoulder line but above your armpit. This length is ideal for kids and beginners because it will swing around more slowly than a shorter rope.

Fitness / Double Unders

Whenever i see people jumping rope in the gym or doing double unders for Cross Fit, it’s quiet  normal to see the cable 12″ to 36 ” over their heads. For fitness workouts this rope length is way too long (for most people), and is really causing them to slow down. My advice for fitness jumpers and double unders would be to size the jump rope so that it is hoping over the head by 6″-10″.

I don’t hold tight to this standard rule because there are such countless jumpers that use a variable of different lengths. It should be a height that you are comfortable with. The thought is to get the rope pivoting your body with as little exertion as conceivable with greatest rope control. A jump rope that is too long will be messy and require an excess of exertion to turn.

Correct sizing: For fitness jumpers, the tips of your rope handles should be aligned with your armpit. This length is perfect for fitness jumpers because your rope will move quickly and it will be easier to control than the longer length. This length is also ideal for doing double unders, which is known as one of the most difficult Cross Fit moves. Double unders are easier if your rope is well-sized.

How To Jump Rope

Speed Jumping

It’s all about speed and control. Going as fast as you can without making mistakes. Going 6-7 bounces a second takes some extraordinary strength, determination, perseverance, and control of the jump rope.

Normally, the quickest jumpers on the planet have the link 2″ to 6″ over their head (some even down to 1″). They typically crouch down to make the circumference traveled by the jump rope even smaller.

Correct sizing: The cable clears 2″ to 6″ over your head at its apex when jumping. For experienced speed jumpers, the highest points of your rope handles ought to be an inch or two underneath your armpits. This length is ideal for speed jumpers in light of the fact that your rope will move rapidly with less exertion and it will be simpler to control.


Doing hop rope stunts is tied in with putting the handles of your jump rope in the best ideal spot at the absolute perfect time For this to happen, it is ideal to use a jump rope that will give the jumper the most control over the rope. For freestyle jumping, the correct length is whatever the jumper is perfectly ok with.

Usually the jump rope will be 12″ to 24″ over their heads. Anyway it isn’t that wonderful to see the ropes a couple of inches the head of any serious freestyle jumpers. There is more variety in jump rope accessing for freestyle than some other kind of jumping.

Correct sizing: The rope clears 12″ to 24″ over your head at its apex when jumping.

Length of Jump Rope for Height

The length of a skipping rope comparative to your height is significant. The right length for an individual jump rope depends on jumper’s height. For most of you, determining the right size or length of your jump rope is quiet simple. The following jump rope length chart will apply to probably 90% of you.

4′ 6″    (137 cm) 7′ 4″
4′ 7″    (140 cm) 7′ 5″
4′ 8″    (142 cm) 7′ 6″
4′ 9″    (145 cm) 7′ 7″
4′ 10″  (147 cm) 7′ 8″
4′ 11″  (150 cm) 7′ 9″
5′ 0″    (152 cm) 7′ 10″
5′ 1″    (155 cm) 7′ 11″
5′ 2″    (157 cm) 8′ 0″
5′ 3″    (160 cm) 8′ 1″
5′ 4″    (163 cm) 8′ 2″
5′ 5″   (165 cm) 8′ 4″
5′ 6″   (168 cm) 8′ 6″
5′ 7″    (170 cm) 8′ 7″
5′ 8″    (173 cm) 8′ 8″
5′ 9″     (175 cm) 8′ 9″
5′ 10″  (178 cm) 8′ 10″
5′ 11″   (180 cm) 8′ 11″
6′ 0″    (183 cm) 9′ 0″
6′ 1″    (185 cm) 9′ 1″
6′ 2″    (188 cm) 9′ 2″
6′ 3″   (191 cm) 9′ 3″
6′ 4″    (193 cm) 9′ 4″
6′ 5″    (196 cm) 9′ 5″
6′ 6″    (198 cm) 9′ 6″
6′ 7″    (201 cm) 9′ 7″
6′ 8″    (203 cm) 9′ 8″
6′ 9″    (206 cm) 9′ 9″
6′ 10″   (208 cm) 9′ 10″
6′ 11″   (211 cm) 9′ 11″

We hope, now you’ve realized the importance of jump rope length. And, you’ve found the way to pick your ideal length of jump rope. You will find dozen of option in market according to your preference.

To ease your search, below we have given the most ideal jump rope for almost everyone (men, women, kids). It is one of the most versatile and flexible jump ropes. It can easily be resized and have many other notable features.

One of the Best Jump Rope and Best Shoes for Jumping Rope

1. WOD Nation Speed Jump Rope – Blazing Fast Jumping Ropes

WOD Nation Speed Jump Rope--(How Long Should A Jump Rope Be)


The folks at WOD Nation manufacture some of the best jump ropes for every level of jumper. They spent a lot of time refining their jump rope, a lot of research and development, and then they offer what many consider to be one of the absolute best options.

If you are just getting started in the realm of speed jump roping, want to pick up a travel jump rope you can keep in your “go back”, or just don’t want to break your bank account into tiny little pieces getting your hands on a core piece of equipment like this than the WOD Nation jump rope is definitely your alley. Just as good as some of the speed ropes that cost two or three times as much, you’ll never be disappointed in your investment!

WOD Nation Speed Jump Rope--(How Long Should A Jump Rope Be)

Key Features

  • Stop doing singles when every other person is doing doubles – after customizing this speed jump rope with a quick snip of a wire cutter you will be on your way to stringing together multiple double unders
  • Great for at-home workout sessions. This rope is really all you need to stay fit and healthy when working out at home.
  • This jump rope is not only fast but also creates a very stable rope swing so you can easily recover from inaccurate swings.
  • Get in the best shape of your life –this speed rope not only spins fast but last a long time. If used regularly you will be in the best shape of your life!
  • The versatility and flexibility of this particular jump rope, the WOD Nation jump rope, is definitely on full display.
  • Resizing the WOD Nation jump rope system is quiet effortless, too. The cable that comes with this jump rope is 12 feet long right out of the box and all you have to do to adjust its length to your specific specifications is to snippet with a set of wire cutters and then tighten included “length adjuster” at the end of the cable. It doesn’t get any easier than that!

Best jumping rope you could ever find for ultra-responsive rotation speeds at the flick of your wrist that will stand the test of time without seizing. This rope is great for all skill levels and you can enjoy the ability to bring more variety to your workout.  

2. ALEADER hiitave Unisex Minimalist Trail Barefoot – Best Shoes for Jumping Rope

ALEADER hiitave Unisex Minimalist Trail Barefoot--(Best Shoes for Jumping Rope)


The Aleader HiiTave shoes are basically minimalist running shoes to give you the barefoot experience as you can see here they’re truly adaptable yet they do have a grippy sole also. These minimalists mimic the feel of running barefoot, and if you are one of those who love to go barefoot, the first thing you must do is to get these.

This minimalist shoe is built on a zero drop that places your heel and forefoot the same distance from the ground to encourage proper, low-impact form throughout your workout.

Key Features

These minimalist running shoes are made from stretchy, lightweight materials that offer a lot of air ventilation. This makes the shoes comfortable and allows you to feel free and light as you can feel the air outside when jumping.
These minimalist running shoes have an accurate and close fit, making the shoes supportive to prevent chafing.
These minimalist running shoes have a shock-absorbing midsole to protect your feet even though they are close to the ground.
This midsole also provides extra comfort making these shoes suitable for beginners to minimalist running.
These minimalist running shoes are comfortable and protective as they have a shock-absorbing midsole.
These are highly adjustable and flexible. Mesh and TPU upper provides lasting flexibility and breathability. Adjustable hook-and-loop closure at instep for a more secure fit
Wide enough toe boxes allows your toes to relax and spread out naturally for more comfort and stability while jumping or even if you are climbing uphill or downhill, helping with balance and giving you better feedback from the ground.
Machine washable. Air dry away from sun or heat source
Rubber outsole helps you get a steady tripd.
They fit perfectly, there’s a broad toe-box, nice snug heel cup, and everything is stretchy, the tongue, the upper, and the laces. Compared to the Merrel’s they have a thicker comfortable in-sole and more profound track on the base, probably to hold rough terrain territory. They’re likewise fundamentally heavier than the merrels, presumably for similar reasons.
You feel what is beneath your feet without killing your feet.
Excellent price to try out if you haven’t before. Despite the affordable price tag, these shoes sport the quick-tighten and release toggle, so you don’t have to worry about fiddling around with your laces, but rather just focusing on your jumping.
With a rubber outsole, a wide-toe area to stop you’re your toes from being crushed, an outstanding grip design.
6 vibrant and incredibly attractive designs available, this is a new bar set for jumping rope shoes.
It is one of the most versatile pair. Other than jumping rope, this shoe is suitable for many activities such as walking, running, training, jogging, working out, and more. In fact, it can also be used as a water shoe.

Jumping rope in these shoes will give you maximum comfort. They give a complete sense of freedom. The sneaker is very light so you will feel like you are jumping barefoot. The upper features mesh and TPU so your feet won’t sweat.

Furthermore, these sneakers will provide extreme flexibility. It is equipped with a hook-and-loop closure that you will be able to adjust and thus ensure yourself a comfortable fit.

The rubber outsole is designed for high stability.

3. New Balance Women’s Fresh Foam Arishi

New Balance Women's Fresh Foam Arishi--(Best Shoes for Jumping Rope)


New Balance running shoes pair up-to-date stylish looks with premium performance—and they make it look effortless. From cushioned and comfortable everyday trainers to light and fast racers, there are New Balance running shoes for every run and every runner.  

The New Balance Fresh Foam Arishi is a neutral running shoe that was designed with comfort, functionality, and style as a primary concern.

Equipped with Fresh Foam cushioning and a breathable upper, it’s a great choice for those seeking an affordable performance shoe that can be doubled as a lifestyle sneaker. Versatile performance.

Featuring soft Fresh Foam cushioning, the Fresh Foam Arishi delivers comfort and sophisticated style.

Key Features

The New Balance Fresh Foam Arishi running shoes utilize a breathable mesh upper that allows for lasting comfort while you exercise.
No-sew upper constructions add to the sleek fit and feel that you’d expect from these lightweight jumping shoes.
AT Tread outsole provides versatile traction during both on and off-road activities
EVA foam inserts increases comfort.
Underfoot, you’re treated to super soft comfort with Fresh Foam midsole technology that is precision-engineered to deliver an ultra-cushioned, lightweight ride.
An EVA foam insert adds even more cushioned comfort to help fuel your exercise.
A sock liner made of ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) is placed right on top of the primary cushioning unit. This element is designed to let the foot encounter a soft surface on which to rest. It can be removed or replaced with a new one if the runner wants to do so.
The weight of the New Balance Fresh Foam Arishi Trail is suitably light for long-term use.
The aesthetics of this trail running shoe are welcomed by those who like cool-looking trail apparel.
The upper of the New Balance Fresh Foam Arishi Trail is made of a cross-weave textile, which secures the foot and keeps it in place. Breathing holes permit environmental air to enter the foot-chamber, thus enabling a cool and dry in-shoe experience.
The upper has protective elements that shield against sharp objects and irregular surfaces. Toe Protect is a welded piece on the toe-box of this product. The work of this element is to keep sharp articles and rugged surfaces from causing injury to the toes. It also reinforce the upper unit’s durability and toughness.
A pull-tab is stitched on the back of this shoe. This add-on widens the opening of the upper unit to facilitate the foot in and out of the interior compartment.

These comfortable jumping shoes are built tough with performance features designed to help keep your feet safe and supported. They are the ideal balance of stability and cushioning. They provide good toe protection and the soles are flat so the rope doesn’t get caught. Plus women’s favorite shoe color is pink, red and purple so there you go.

Step up your footwear game with the Fresh Foam Arishi V1 Shoes. If you need arch support and lots of cushioning while you do our cardio then these are a good choice for you.

We were attracted to the New Balance Arishi Trail because of its incredible price tag. You can pick up a number of these shoes for half the price of an average trail runner, and roughly one-third that of the most expensive options!

4. Reebok Men’s Nano X Cross Trainer Running Shoes

Reebok Men's Nano X Cross Trainer Running Shoes--(Best Shoes for Jumping Rope)


The Reebok brand has fully grasped the cross-training movement that has recently arisen, and their new shoes are designed with the trainer in mind. Wearing Nano X Cross Trainer is important for exercises in which shoes play a very important role, for example, for rope exercises with high and double jumps.

These long-lasting sports shoes are for those people who want to find light, firm, and flexible shoes for workout sessions.

Key Features

These shoes have high-quality materials that guarantee strength and stability without resisting the natural movement of your feet.
The shoes’ upper units feature two layers of high quality materials Cleatie sleeve and Flex weave. The Flex weave layer is outwardly to make the upper units adaptable and strong simultaneously while the Cleatie sleeve is on the inner parts to give you agreeable sock-like insight.
There is a traditional lace-up closure design to tighten the fit as you please.
And with the TPU heel clip at the back of the uppers, you will have plenty of heel stability while jumping rope.
Besides, their outsole units have flex grooves for proper feet muscle flexion.
They are designed to protect your feet from damage and to give you good support.
They have the mesh outer for the airflow and strength.
The midsole provide excellent shock absorption, making these shoes ideal for jumping rope. Besides, there are OrthoLite inserts to give you plush comfort underfoot experience!
High abrasion-resistant rubber compound makes up the outsoles. It provides excellent traction on all surfaces.
Fit not only for rope jumping and running but for other sports activities.

The Reebok Nano X Cross Trainer is one of the best shoes for jumping rope for men and women. Most importantly, the shoe is level with a wide base, limiting the danger of getting the rope with a heel. At that point, the upper is sturdy and adaptable with its extraordinary figure of eight weave. They are super-adaptable and breathable for agreeable feet while hopping.

There is abundant pad and padded sole help. The extensive range of color options means you get a stylish cross-trainer with tons of great features. The only thing not to like is that it is difficulty in bending. Because it is quite stiff.  But other than that, Reebok has taken many steps to ensure their brand is one of the best for cross training and they have certainly succeeded.

We hope, you’ve found this article helpful.

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  • Non-slip: The rubber outsole offers impact cushioning, anti-twist, abrasion-resistant and anti-slip performance
  • Light and Breathable:The ultra lightweight upper and breathable mesh sport shoes, make feet more comfort
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