All heads are different, in and out. This needs to be taken in consideration in all wakes of life and in all our decisions. So being an Asian person with this type of hair, well it has it’s own challenges. Asian hair has its own characteristics and in this article we wanted to celebrate it and talk on how you can best care for it.
What’s Different About Asian Hair?

One of the first things to know that Asian hair can grow many more years before it will start to shed away. By many years we mean compared to their western counterparts. What is also unique about this hair type is that the strands come round in the cross-section. It is also with a reasons that the the Guinness record for longest hair was broken in Asia as this type grows longer and stronger. With age the strands will become thinner but some younger people may also face this problem. This is contributed to the stressful lifestyles of today and how it can impact our bodies.
Dandruff and scalp issues are also super common and this connects closely to our first tip on how to care care of this hair type.
Tips On How To Take Care Of Asian Hair
Avoid Washing It Every Day

Our first suggestion is to avoid washing your hair daily. This goes for all types of hair. Especially if you want to avoid dandruff and an itchy scalp you need to be aware that the more you wash your hair, the more of it you will lose. You also need to avoid oil and heavy moisture hair products. Conditions can weigh down your hair and make it look almost greasy. So you need to be super careful when getting conditioner. Just regular shampoo may be your answer and know that a nice scalp massage will help you with excess oil and dandruff scalps.
When getting shampoo we suggest checking out sulfate free shampoos.
Avoid Burning Your Hair
Asian hair is harder to style due to the density of the strands. So this can lead to excessive use of using heat to style it. BUT, avoid this. Avoid the curling wand and avoid blasting your hair with a small array of products and the drier. If you really want to style your hair we suggest lighter mousses and sprays. As with the conditioner you need to feel your hair and be aware what type of product are you putting on your head. Don’t over do it!
Avoid Unnatural Colors

Yes, being blonde definitely brings out some benefits but be aware of the path you need to take to achieve that color. Especially for Asian people with dark black hair, getting to the golden blonde or some white is a dauting task that can leave your pockets empty and hair damaged. If you are not working with a hard professional who knows what is he doing, this can really destroy your hair. We suggest that you are realistic on what color you can get without burning and damaging your hair. Chemicals are hard on your hair and please be aware of that. The damage sometimes can take a lot of years to heal.
Aloe Vera Is Your Best Friend
Freshly prepared aloe vera juice is one of the most well-known and efficient hair treatments. It is a gift that keeps on giving. Just applying it freely to clean hair, including your scalp and then waiting for an hour can prove wonderous for your hair. Although aloe vera is well-known for its antibacterial and antioxidant qualities it also rocks some of the best anti fungal and anti inflammation properties of all products in the beauty world. It is truly an all complete product and gift to your scalp.
Use The Heating Iron Carefully
It’s critical to use the correct heat-styling technique.
You may prepare all you want, but without the correct technique, you won’t be able to achieve curls or that stylized look you may want to try. Especially if you’re going from a blow out look you need to section the hair correctly and then use the right product that will volumize the hair. Know that you need to hair to be damp and not completely dry. BUT, this is different if you want to curl your hair. If curling, make sure that it is super dry and in this case use a bit of hairspray before using a curling wand.
Eat Healthy And Avoid Stress
Easier said than done you may assume, but as we mentioned be aware that junk food and soft drinks will also have an impact on your hair as well on your body. Eating greens and lighter food will make your oil glands secrete less and it will keep your hair cleaner and less oily. This also applies to the skin too! Stress…well mediation is always a good way of dealing with issues so find ways to calm yourself and be aware how problems from the outside can create problems in the inside.
So with that we want to finish up our small list of tips of taking care of Asian hair! Feel good and treat yourself!
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